Campus Life and Support Services

Rabindranath Tagore once said that education should be free from all hindrances. Knowledge confined within a few pages of text books would fail to nurture a child in his voyage into humanism. Being contented with only what is essential is not the religion of man. To what extent are we confined to only what is necessary and to what extent are we free. Our bodies may be confined in to mere length of three hands. However, constructing a house of the same size wont do. A lot of space is required for our convenience, or else a persons overall development cannot be achieved. The same is also true of education. Confining a youth within a few pages of the text book will obviously obstruct his minds natural growth. Thus, along with syllabus-oriented education and knowledge, extracurricular activities for free learning is a must, else a mans manhood would never flourish, despite his physical appearance and matured age.

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